Posted by: gmontealegre | May 15, 2012

Linden Police bring children to work

LINDEN, N.J. (April 2012):  It started out as “Bring your Daughters to Work Day” in the 1990s by feminists who were tired of girls being treated as second class citizens in the work place and limited to the careers they should follow.

Now this day of equality is known as “BRING YOUR CHILDREN TO WORK DAY” and it includes boys and girls going to their parents place of work to see how their parents spend the day away from them.

Linden Police Dept. Bring Your Children to Work Day 2012

This observance has allowed for the new generation to become more informed and to create a dialogue about the best way for society to behave with all its members.

Here in Linden, the Linden Police Department observed the day not by taking the children on ride-alongs but by bringing them to the steps of City Hall where they parked a motorcycle, a police car and a van.

Linden Police Dept. Bring Your Children to Work Day at steps of Linden City Hall

From the excitement on the children you can see they are getting not only a lesson on where their parents work but the sort of vehicles they use.

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